Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

A big W.H.A.T...

It's almost one month after our break-up with my boyfriend, but I'm still confused what is his true motive. He's feelin' like we're still together. I felt very awkward inside the class because they don't really even know what's happening between us two. Only some of them knows. 

But why do he's still acting like a boyfriend? Sometimes I felt nut, and I really don't know why. Actually, I still do love him. But the fact that he choose the other instead of me, what's the reason behind all these things are happening? What's his real purpose?

I keep on asking him the same question everyday about this weirdness that I felt every time he's beside me. And you know what's hes answer? He said, "Because you're my everything." And a big w.h.a.t in my f***ing mind! It leave's strange things in my mind that makes me not to sleep sometimes. 

I have a lot of plans to the both of us. But now, I'm losing hope. Because I'm losing the one whom I knew that who could help me make it. Sigh...