Saturday 1 October 2011

Day 1- Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Hi! I'm Divina Angelique Talip Antonio. Commonly known as ANGEL. I am 17 years of age and currently staying here in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia for studying Culinary Arts in Asian Tourism International College.

I am under the sign of Taurus which is a determined, conventional, materialistic, stable, industrious and generally having significant financial stability. I am catholic in religion.

Here are 15 interesting facts about me:

1. I love to DANCE. It's heaven.

2. I hate watching horror films. It won't make me sleep.

3. My passion is cooking. 

4. I stopped being addicted going to bars and pubs because of my present boyfriend. Well thank you babe!

5. It's my first time relationship that lasted for a year up to the present.

6. I am stone when watching drama. I'm fragile enough when it comes to love songs and serious talks.

7. I want to go to Paris in the age of 25.

8. I want to be a restaurant owner in my own place.

9. I wanna have my own house with my own money, sweat and blood. nyak!

10. I want to be stable and receiving my own salary in the age of 21.

11. I could twist my tongue. Not anyone else does!

12. I have Astigmatism in the age of 17.

13. I want to bring my mom and dad to three different place before I get married.

14. My favorite color is Yellow.

15. I love having God, my family, my lover and my friends in my life.