Monday 31 October 2011

Day 30- A picture of yourself of this day and 5 good things happened since you started the challenge

Today is the last day of my 30 Day Blog Challenge. This challenge will be my most memorable posts that I can't even believe that I make it! Phew, it's great and I felt so proud of my self that I've become responsible. My friends are the reason why I made this blog. I'm thankful for all your support to me, the help and the love from all of you guys! 

So here's my picture of this day:

Good and Bad things happened since I started this challenge. But from all of those, the good won the game. And here's the 5 good things that happened since I started the challenge:

1. I've handled the problems that came by.

2. I've became a mature person every day.

3. I learned how to value my self.

4. I'm not alone. You we're not alone. Choose and love your friends, because they're one in a million.

5. Lastly, don't forget to thank God every day for giving you strength, courage and his love that never ceases. Don't forget him if you have problems, because his the solver and the greatest provider.