Tuesday 25 October 2011

Day 24- Something you've learned

Learning is not only through studying, but reflecting what have you learned from your wrongs. 

It's never a hindrance that people won't stay, is the reason why you can't even move on from your stage right now. Acceptance is the key to be more true and be happier. 

Acceptance is hard at first because you can never forget your feelings from them. The feeling that you can't be strong because you're holding on to them. Letting go is the first thing to do. Letting go is not a one-time thing, but it's something that you need to do it over and over again. 

Life obstacles are really there, but be strong enough to fight for it. No one can ever judge you because they did not even know what have you been through. They can't put their shoe on your own feet.

Life is precious enough to be wasted, so go for it. Be strong, accept the truth, live happily, and lastly don't forget to dedicate your life to Our Father for he's our guidance and our strength in our life.